
The Moti55 program

Are you concerned about the alcohol consumption of your partner, family member, colleague or acquaintance? Do you suspect excessive alcohol use by one of your patients or clients? Find out here what Moti55 can do for you!

Moti-55 is a preventive intervention for over-55s who regularly drink alcohol. From a prevention perspective, our motto is: prevention is better than cure! We offer individual information and coaching in an accessible way.
During this intervention, the over-55s are encouraged to examine their alcohol consumption and see if they would like to change anything. This is done by, for example, an introductory or advisory meeting, knowledge transfer about the effects of alcohol use and the application of alternative behaviour.

Not every over 55 who drinks alcohol will go overboard or even become addicted! It can become a problem if there is more and more drinking or if drinking alcohol takes on a function or meaning.

As a partner, carer, supervisor or care provider, you sometimes notice earlier when the drinking behavior of the over-55s is likely to go in the wrong direction. It is possible that the over-55s themselves do not yet experience any concerns or problems about their alcohol use. It is also possible that the over-55s are already worried, but the motivation to change something is still lacking.

Moti55 can be used especially when there is no clear request for help!

Moti55 is there for:

  • People from 55 years old
  • If there is regular alcohol use or if one has started to drink more alcohol or that one drinks for a reason (such as sadness, loneliness).
  • People aged 55 and over who are open to a number of objective conversations (maximum 4) with a prevention worker who is an expert in the field of stimulants

Find out more about the content of Moti55!

The name Moti55 is derived from the word Motivate. The numbers 55 stands for who it is intended for, namely for people aged 55 and older.
When people start talking at Moti55, we at Prevention have in mind the following four core objectives to which the prevention officer will pay attention. With these core objectives we hope to give people over 55 more insight and help them on their way to their motivation to reduce or possibly stop alcohol consumption.

The four core goals


Core target 0


Mapping the usage

Determining which phase of use you are in
next core goal

Moti55 in a nutshell

  • A maximum of 4 sessions with a Prevention employee
  • The conversations take place at a location nearby and are always in joint consultation
  • Each interview lasts about an hour
  • The over-55s set the goals and pace
  • The prevention officer focuses on exploration, knowledge, insight and reinforcement
  • It is also important that a conversation takes place in which people are present who are important to the over-55s, such as a partner or child or otherwise. This is of course in consultation with the over-55s.                 
  • The prevention officer provides feedback to the applicant with the consent of the over-55s
  • Referral from a general practitioner is not necessary
  • After registration, an appointment will follow as soon as possible, no waiting lists
  • No file creation or registration with the GGZ institution under which the prevention department falls
  • The Moti55 calls are free

Moti55 is finished, now what?

After the completion of Moti55, there is a plan on the table that the over-55s have been working on in the previous weeks. People who can be supportive for the over-55s are involved or know about this. This is for extra reinforcement in achieving the set goals.

After a period of approximately two months, the prevention officer will contact you again for a follow-up. It is then jointly checked whether everything is still going according to plan (or perhaps even better). If there is a need for earlier contact, that is of course also possible. A phone call was made quickly, an app sent in no time. If this helps to maintain motivation or to discuss that one unexpected temptation, we are of course happy to do this!

What if things don't go well...

Sometimes it turns out that more is needed than the preventive coaching that Moti55 offers. It may be that the problems had not previously come to light as such or that the motivation for actual assistance was lacking. The moment the prevention officer sees that there is more going on and the over-55s need treatment, the prevention officer will discuss this and advise the over-55s. The over-55s decide for themselves what they want with this advice.

Do you think Moti55 is the right step for your partner, friend or family member or the over-55 in your guidance?

Then see if you can discuss the 4 questions below with him or her. ask:

Are you concerned about the amount and frequency of your alcohol use?

Do you notice that your alcohol consumption has a negative influence on your daily activities? Like work or hobbies?

Are others (friends, family, colleagues) concerned about your alcohol use?

Have you consumed alcohol in the past four weeks?

Wanneer één of meer vragen duidelijk met een JA worden beantwoord door de 55-plusser dan kunnen jullie door met een aanmelding bij Moti55.

Moti individual prevention

The Moti4 and Moti55 programs are taught by the employees of the Prevention Department in your area. Together with the client, they look for the solution that suits them best. Moti4 and Moti55 is completely free and you do not need a note from your GP to participate. Anonymous, trusted and personal!

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